On my recent promotion tour for our stagiaires-program i stayed in a local four-star-hotel in Most, CZ. Already on my way to the room I was fascinated by the corridors. Instead of classical room numbers they were refreshingly different. The design was modern and nice and distributed over the entire read more…
Category: Hospitality (Page 2 of 2)
Gin with Award
Gin has become a trendy drink in recent years – right so, because a good gin is really a pleasure, even more so if it is a gin with award! It is important that both the gin and the tonic water, if you mix it, are of good quality. For read more…
Gain experience in Switzerland?
We are already intensively planning the next stagiaires course staring in June. We enable young, motivated professionals to have a unique experience in the Swiss hotel and restaurant industry. Would you like to do an internship in a hotel or restaurant in Switzerland? Then you are right with us. Ideally, read more…
Dissatisfied Customer – Your Chance!
As my stock was getting low, I recently ordered new pins for my company. My students in particular appreciate these as small souvenirs. Since my previous supplier is no longer active, I had to look for a new one. A quick google and a good offer was found. The design read more…
Staff Shortage in Hospitality – We are active!
A shortage of qualified staff members for hospitality and gastronomy industry is obvious since several years also in Switzerland. The situation is not yet so dramatic as in some of our neighbouring countries, where some companies have to close, reduce their opening hours or products massively, because they cannot find read more…
Merry Christmas
We wish to all our readers a merry Christmas and all the luck, success combined with best health in the next year. We are looking forward to be available for you fully motivated in 2023!
“Luck is if the mind is dancing, the heart is breathing and the eyes are loving”. No – this is not the claim of a motivation workshop. It is a quotation of Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955). The genious with the tousled hair was not only busy with his theory read more…
The small things make a big difference
A couple of weeks ago I ws invited with friends for dinner. I was surprised with a nicely covered table, done with love. The little roundel with the inscription “Nice to have you here” inspired me to this blog. i had always the impression that the infrstructure of a hotel read more…
Dogs are Welcome
Recently we spent a couple of days in a Wellness hotel, where our Labrador lady Naima joined us. Of course we booked and paid a bit extra for her. In the room we found a nice bowl for food and water and a special door hanger that says that a read more…
For all students and young professionals with EU passport and at least basic German knowledge we offer a unique chance of a paid internship in Switzerland. Already the 14th Stagiaires Program will be offered this winter time. We recruit interested people in their home countries. They will join our two read more…