What will our education look like in the future? Is there still a need for education in the future or will we simply refer to the Internet? Nowadays, knowledge is accessible to everyone who has internet access. Why do we still need schools and educational institutions? Why are these more important now than ever?
I remember well my college days. Computer were even at university rare and their use strictly regulated. Regularly we went to the library and lent books. We even bought the most important volumes, even we had to save up money a long time or work additionally. This is all not necessary any more, as knowledge is available on the internet. With the right skills you can find nearly all information and even mostly for fee. Why do we still need schools or educational institutions? In my opinion a good education even today is more important than ever:
- As already mentioned above, education is easyli available and mostly even free of charge, but often in a quantity that is hardly manageable.
- But knowledge alone is not enough. It has to be implemented correctly and according to the actual situation. In Swiss higher professional education a couple of years ago the term of competency orientation has emerged. The priority is not primarily the knowledge but the use of it in various situations – means the respective competencies. One has to be able to use the knowledge.
- Concerning this aspect, employees will differentiate from others and will be qualified for better jobs: competencies like reliability, punctuality, friendlyness, quality are still the basics of any good customer service and will make the decisive difference
This means that teachers will modify even stronger from lecturer to educational coaches. It is not about to teach knowhow but to guide students, finding the knowledge suitable, to select it and implement correctly to the actual situation. Would you like to learn more about these topics? On our website you find more reference about it! Or contact me personally, just now. I am looking forward to.
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