Application Stagiaires Program

Please prepare all information and documents electronically as you cannot apply, if documents or essential information are missing

The follwoing documents you need electronically (ideally as pdf):

  • Application form (safe after filling in the form)
  • CV (as pdf)
  • Motivation letter (1/3 – ½ page as pdf)
  • Copy of passport or ID (ideally as pdf)
  • Copy of the last grade sheet in German or English (ideally as pdf)
  • Further documents as work references, special Awards, etc.

It is important that names and personal data fit exactly with the identity documents, as they will be used for the official form and applications.

Personal Data

It is important that names and personal data fit exactly with the identity documents.


Information about the parents

This information is necessary fort he application and work permit.

File Upload

(Ideally you send your files as pdf. Please take into consideration that you scan with a good readable resolution but do not exceed 1 MB per file. If you send more files (diploma, certificates, etc.), this can raise your chances. )

The fields marked with * are required.

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